Based on the acclaimed bestseller, WATER FOR ELEPHANTS presents an unexpected romance in a uniquely compelling setting. Veterinary school student Jacob meets and falls in love with Marlena, a star performer in a circus of a bygone era. They discover beauty amidst the world of the Big Top, and come together through their compassion for a special elephant. Against all odds -- including the wrath of Marlena's charismatic but dangerous husband, August -- Jacob and Marlena find lifelong love.
The Good
With “Water for Elephants,” Christopher Waltz proves there’s no better actor than him at doing bad guys. His August is so demented and compelling, he makes everyone and everything pale by comparison. Lovers of a good and touching animal story, as well as fans of Pattinson will also duly enjoy “Water for Elephants.”
The Bad
“Water for Elephants” had all the right ingredients to become the next big thing: a bestseller, a wonderful story, A-list stars. Perhaps fearing that he’d lose a segment of the audience, Lawrence compromised and made it into a glossy, rather shallow and soulless narrative, from which viewers will probably take very little when they leave the theater.
The Truth
“Water for Elephants” will be a hit with fans of the original book and, of course, a chunk of the huge “Twilight” fanbase. It’s not an extraordinary film, but it does have moments of pure brilliance. It’s a relief to see that Hollywood is still perfectly able to make a movie that, at the very least, aims to be different.
Release Date: 04/22/2011
- Rating: PG-13
- Runtime: 2 hr
- Genre: Drama
- Director: Francis Lawrence
- Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, Christopher Waltz
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